Friday 10 January 2014

Happy New Year!! last!

So as some of you know, this New Years eve I was at a wedding with Stephen. His cousin was getting married in Druid's Glenn in Wicklow, which was absolutely fabulous! I was delighted to be going to a wedding for New Years, as I hate going out to a pushy, sweaty nightclub and there's nothing more depressing than sitting in, ringing it in with Graham Norton. 

Unfortunately, I missed the count down as I was in bed with a migraine and couldn't move for the rest of the night. So forgive me that my New Year is a little out of sync. I suppose I'm just not ment to enjoy New Year's Eve.

I'm also in the middle of exams at the mo which are pretty stressful. So after next week, it'll be blog posts galore!

But keeping with tradition, I did make some New Year's Resolutions. Unlike last year (55 resolutions), this year, I've only made two:

1. Get Fit
2. Stop Being Lazy

Simple, but if I stick to them, I'll be very happy.

I also want to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to you all. You've no idea how happy it makes me, knowing you're all reading my blog and care what I have to say. So in return, I promise to fill this year with plenty more style tips, fashion snaps, competitions, interviews and all the gossip you can handle.

Hope you all had a good New Year, and I look forward to all of your comments in 2014, so don't be afraid to get in touch :)

1 comment:

  1. Same resolutions myself :). Graham Norton is deadly, like all other Grahams. Good luck in the rest of the exams sweetness. X


Penny for your thoughts? ☺