Wednesday 22 January 2014

Get Fit or Die Trying!

You've no idea how excited I am to write this post! I can hardly contain myself. As you may know, this Christmas I got gym membership from my parents, (nothing says "We love you just the way you are" like gym membership!) I'm joking of course, because I'm absolutely delighted to be getting my fitness back. And being the broke student that I am, this is the perfect motivation.

I've bitten my tongue for long enough about recent issues in the media. Pictures like this:

And the new craze of 'The Juice Diet'. 

Words fail me. Luckily, a friend of mine was able to put it better than I ever could, so please give it a read before we go any further :)

I'd be lying if I said I'd never tried fad diets like the juice diet, or tried skipping meals, even starving myself; I've done it all. So trust me when I say it doesn't work. Short-term, yes. Long-term, no. Was I happy? Definitely not. 

I remember one particular day last summer, having to call in sick to work because I'd fainted. I was living on my own in Dublin. Perfect, no one to monitor what I was eating, no one to judge me for living off watermelon and going for a run everyday along the canal. Even when I woke up to call work I remember thinking to myself "well, at least I'm getting skinny".

No one noticed. I always carried that bit of extra weight (although looking back now, I was never the beach-whale I thought I was), so it wasn't as if I looked "underweight". I looked healthy. But inside, I was weak, all I thought about was loosing weight, how many pounds I'd lost that day, and my holiday ahead. Two weeks in Portugal with the girls. The thought of getting into a bikini made me feel sick, and I was taking at least 2 panadol a day to deal with the headaches caused by dehydration. 

After my holiday I stopped going to the gym, started eating normally again, of course the weight came back. Not all of it, but around half of what I'd lost. 

So! With all this in mind, I'm getting back to the gym. I'm going to shed those extra pounds the proper way, while getting fit and hopefully having fun. I realise now that loosing weight is not a short-term thing. We should never loose weight for a holiday, a night out, a pair of jeans, but for ourselves. And that's the only way this is going to work. So if you've anything else in mind that you want to loose it for, quit while you're ahead, because it won't work!

What ever happened to the good old 'Eat less, Exercise more'? Less does not mean nothing, it means cutting back on your portion sizes. 

As we know, I'm no dietician, or personal trainer. But I am motivated, and I really hope i can motivate you too. So over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to be giving my day-by-day exercise routine, eating plan (which will include a cheat-day, Im only human!), tips, my weight lost and difficulties I encounter.

I'm going to be completely honest. I hope this post is helpful to at least one of you out there, and thank you for reading this far! 

First post is tomorrow, so best of luck!

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