Wednesday 25 December 2013

It's Chriiiiiiiiistmassss!!!

Well, it was. And what a Christmas it's been! Considering my last few Christmas's have been...eventful. This one fell nothing short of perfect. Not just Christmas Day itself, but the whole of the holidays. 

I've been so lucky this year and have the best family and friends a girl could as for. As well as some fabulous gifts!

(More) Soap and Glory!
Co&Co Diamonté Bangle
Victor&Rolf Flowerbomb
Adidas Ankle Socks
Lifestyle Sports Voucher
3 Month Gym Membership (including personal trainer!)

Finally, my hints have paid off! I'm so excited to start back at the gym, but without a job, I keep having to pay for more important things (like chocolate and alcohol!), rather than gym membership. But now I've no excuse. 

And I'll need it after all the delicious food from today. Because there's only three of us in my family, we host an 'Irish Coffee Morning' every Christmas, where neighbours and friends come up to ours for a drink or two. It's a great way for people to get out of the house for a few hours, and basically, prevents the three of us killing each other, if we were to spend the entire day together.

Here's what I wore:

Playsuit: Miss Selfridge
Shoes: River Island
Earrings: ALDO 

After a long day of mingling, eating and drinking, it's now time to relax by the fire.

I hope your Christmas was as blissful as mine! 

Happy Holidays :)

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