Friday 17 January 2014

Outfit of the Week

This week has been a bit mad to be honest! I finished my exams on Monday, so afterwards, Stephen and I headed to the cinema to see American Hustle, which is absolutely fantastic by the way! I just love Jennifer Lawrence. Afterwards we headed for a few drinks, I met my mum in town for dinner, then Stephen and I re-convened and headed to Copain in Rathmines for a few cocktails.

I'd never been to Copain before and I was really surprised. €5 cocktails, and the place is amazing. It's huge and so modern, perfect for a girls night out. 

Tuesday night, I headed to the infamous Coppers, for a few beverages and a dance with my friends, (Maeve, Graham and Keith, I'd be killed if I didn't mention them!). Here's what I wore:

Shirt, Shorts and Boots: Topshop
Tights: Pennys

Wednesday night, I headed to Bruce Willis in The Lost Society in Dublin to have a twerk and a grind. Thursday, was truly a Throwback Thursday, as I got to go to Galway to see one of my best friends Caoimhe, who I haven't seen in ages! 

So now that I'm finally finished my exams, I have the time to do the maintenance work on my blog that I've wanted to do for ages! I'm going to give my blog a makeover. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to do it, but it'll be great. So please bare with me over the next couple of days.

Also, planning a competition soon! Watch this space...

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