Saturday 25 January 2014

Day Trois!

OK, so I'm starting to feel the burn. Yesterday was a busy day. I was handing out CVs in the rain, and did a lot of walking. My legs are beginning to ache and I'll be honest, I wanted nothing more than to skip the gym and go home to a hot chocolate.

But I didn't!

I did go to the gym and I was glad that I did, although I took it easier than I did on day 1. I did 40 mins, varying my speed and incline. I was definitely glad that I did though and I think that those are the days when you benefit the most, because you know you've pushed yourself.

I'm aware that gym membership is expensive, and I certainly wouldn't have it, only for Christmas, but there's always a free treadmill outside! And if you've a smart phone, there's plenty of apps you can download to help you figure out how many KM's you've done, and how many calories you've burned. My favourite is 'Map My Run'.

**Just remember, it's not all about the calories. You won't know yourself, how euphoric you'll feel when you get back in the house after being out in the fresh air.

Before you begin, make sure you're hydrated and have had plenty to eat about an hour or so before hand.

If you are heading to the gym, make sure you:

✔ Are wearing the proper gear; sports bra, tracksuit bottoms and a pair of comfy runners. There's nothing worse than runners that cut your heels and squash your toesies!
✔ Have a towel with you. The gym is a sweaty place...
✔ Bring a bottle of water. Hydration, Hydration, Hydration!
✔ Have a playlist made; I'm going to post my ultimate gym playlist soon. There's nothing worse than being in full swing when a bit of Adele comes on. There's a time and a place!
✔ And off you go!

Tomorrow, I'm going to post my top 20 workout songs :)

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