Thursday 23 January 2014

Day One - Up and Addam!

For me, the best time to do a work out is in the morning. I'm the world's worst for putting things off, and can always convince myself that there's something more important that needs to be done, so the sooner I get started, the better. 

I've decided that I'm going to talk about the previous day in each post, that way if i've any late snacks, I can include them.

I was up at 9 yesterday morning (a time of day I rarely see!) I had bits and bobs to do in town, and was in the gym for 12. I also wanted to let my breakfast (below) settle.

I began on the treadmill, initially telling myself I'd only go for a half an hour because I thought that was all I'd be able for, having been out of the routine for so long. 

I never ever run on the treadmill. I hate running and I think 'Fun Run' is an oxymoron! However, I do power-walk on a speed of around 6.5 (varying it to 7.0), on an incline of 10. This burns just as many calories as running at a moderate pace, and the incline will give you buns of steel in no time! No joke!

Surprisingly, I ended up staying on the treadmill for an hour! I couldn't believe it! I did vary my pace and my incline after the first 35 mins, but in the end I'd managed to burn a whopping 550 calories! 

Unfortunately, while I was so proud for pushing myself, it seemed when I got home, that I had indeed pushed myself too far. I ended up having to take two nurophen plus and hopping into bed for an hour.

Top Tip Numero Uno: Know your limits!

Start off slow, and over time build yourself up.

I also headed out last night with my friends. I know drinking isn't supposed to be part of this, but I reckon I burned off the calories dancing! ;)

Food Diary:
Breakfast - A fruit of the forest yoghurt and a banana (Probably should've introduced more whole carbs here)
Lunch - Bowl of tomato soup, and a chocolate covered rice cake (to give me a bit of sugar)
Dinner - Wholewheat pasta with stir in sauce (I was in a bit of a hurry to get ready so I just threw on some pasta, should've had something more substantial.)

Drinks - Hot water and lemon, 1.5 litres of water, vodka and blackcurrnet.


  1. I have just joined blogspot, and came across your post! :-) Unfortunately, as a student myself, I have seen the terrifyingly unhealthy extremes we can go to, In an attempt to lose weight. I like your realistic approach( you don't have to spend loads of money on fancy, complicated recipes to eat healthy), and your honesty. :-)
    Best of luck with this, and am looking forward to reading your daily updates!

    1. Thanks so much! I followed you yesterday on Bloglovin so I'll definitely check it out :) I know exactly what you mean, in my college anyway there's constant competition, it's like a runway! It's only day 3 and I'm already feeling the benefits so it must be working :)
      Looking forward to checking out your blog xx


Penny for your thoughts? ☺