Friday 10 January 2014

My Year in Review

I had a good feeling about 2013. My 18th year. I just knew it was going to be brilliant, and I wasn't wrong. It began with myself and my best friend ringing in the New Year, dancing the night away in D2.

We've both changed a lot since then. I got my job in Gourmet Burger Kitchen, which I enjoyed every minute of. I met some great people who shared some of my worst hangovers!

Next, came a day trip that turned into a 3 day adventure to Galway. I couldn't even begin to tell some of the stories from that weekend, if I did, you wouldn't believe me! Turbulent to say the least.

I worked hard in 2013, which really paid off as I lost over a stone before my first girls holiday to Portugal.

It was the best 2 weeks of my life, and I'd recommend Albufeira to anybody. I made friends I'll have for life and memories I'll never forget.

I'll never forget the depression that set in when I came home. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that soon, I was moving back to Dublin, to a house in Rathmines, and going back to college to see all my friends again.

Last year was also my Dad's 50th, so we held a surprise party for him at home. It was great to see all of my family at a function apart from a funeral!

Halloween night, I started going out with Stephen. And I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. He's made my year and changed my life. I couldn't be happier with him.

Christmas was fabulous! I'm a massive Christmas fan anyway, but this Christmas was extra special. 

Although I wasn't able to ring in the new year, it was still the best NYE I've had in a long time. 

Some other highlights included meeting So Sue Me, my 19th birthday (there are no pictures from that night for some reason? Although it's probably for the best!), nights out, a date to the Aquarium, interviewing the PRO for Leinster rugby, interviewing the owner of Whelans, becoming a brunette again, discovering Bob's Burgers, afternoon tea in The Westbury, and making it through the college year alive!

Thanks to all of you for making it the best year of my life so far, and here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2014 xx

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