Tuesday 13 August 2013

What an eventful week!

Apologies that I didn't post during the week, but I've been mental busy, as last Saturday, I decided it was time to get a wriggle on, and look for a place to live this year in college.

Without any guidance, appointments, newspapers, estate agents (basically all the essentials you need when looking for a house), Maeve and I set off. Needless to say, it was a disaster.

Got the bus home Sunday evening; defeated. However when I got home, I realised that my mum was going back to Dublin on Monday. So at 6.00AM, I was Dublin bound once more. After calling to every estate agents we could find, trawling through The Herald, walking the length and breath of Rathmines, Ranelagh, and Portobello, arranging 6 viewings and 3 falling through, I sulked all the way to the bus stop, only to have the last bus home drive straight past me.

It's fair to say, the lowest point of the day, was getting off the DART in Bray, to stay the night in a friends house, only to find a girl, trousers down, arse against the wall, pee-ing. Yep, after all that, I topped off the day by dodging a spray of wiz!

Needless to say, I was elated to get a call from one of the landlords yesterday, whose house we viewed, to say that he'd be delighted for us to live there. You are now reading the words of the proud tenant of a house on Leinster Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6.

I didn't manage to take any pictures, but I will be doing a 'before' and 'after' post, when I decorate my new room.

This week I was even to busy to check out what was going on in the ShowBiz world, I do have a funny story of my own! 

While on the bus to Dublin on Saturday, happy as larry with my overnight bag, excited for the day of house-hunting ahead, I began to feel a bit chilly!

"Not to worry", I thought, and pulled out my zippy from my bag, only to catapult my knickers into the middle of the isle on the bus!! Slick Rick myself, then decided in order to distract onlookers, I'd fire my hoodie down onto them, so I could pick up the bundle together. 

I have to say, I think the most embarassing part, was my hysterical laughing.

My pick of the week this week, has to be the new Limited Edition Smokey Eye Pallet from Urban Decay. I bought this on Saturday to cheer myself up a bit, for €40. I'm so excited to start using it. 

My outfit of the week will follow in a later post. 

You can expect to see more blog activity this week, promise!

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