Monday 5 August 2013

Jennifer Aniston glowing with no make up on

So jealous of the fabulous Jen Aniston, 44, looking flawless with no make up on, posing in a selfie, with BFF and hair stylist, Chris McMillan. 

The recently engaged, Friends star, quashed rumors that she's pregnant live on Chelsea Lately, after this picture of her emerged of her at her latest film premier.

Aniston later confirmed she already feels married to her fiancĂ©e, nudist and actor, Justin Theroux.  

“We just want to do it when it’s perfect, and we are not rushed, and no one is rushing from a job or rushing to a job.

“And, you know, we already feel married. We have yet to set any dates. There have been no canceled weddings. There have been no postponed weddings.” 

Aniston concluded, “There have been no arguments about where to get married. Just clearing all that up.”

I for one, couldn't be happier for the blonde bombshell. She deserves it.

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