Friday 16 August 2013

Launch of the 15th Annual Terryglass Arts Festival

Wednesday night, I attended the launch of the 15th Annual Terryglass Arts Festival. For those of you who don't know, Terryglass is the village where I grew up, and for as far back as I can remember, the festival has always been a massive part of my summer.

My mum is the chairperson of the committee, and I couldn't be more proud of her, as this year promises to be even bigger and better than any previous year.

The launch was held on Wednesday, in a fabulous marquee. Mum made the opening speech, followed by a few more speeches, then was a viewing of the world renound, award-winning short film Irish Folk Furniture, by Tony Donoghue

However the highlight of the night was the two performances by two local talents Ríona O'Madagain, and Conor O'Meara. 

Ríona, whose voice has a beautiful soulful raspy-ness, sang two of her own songs, among other well-known favourites, opened the show, leaving Conor to follow. With the bar set very high, Conor certainly didn't disappoint. Singing a range of classical, modern and the odd folk song thrown in for good measure.

Often we tend to over-look talent which is right under our noses. Well not anymore, as the pair collaborated at the very end, with a rendition of Falling Slowly, from the hit musical, Once. 

The hairs literally stood at the back of my neck.

Here is what I wore, and also my outfit of the week:

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