Wednesday 7 August 2013

Another Week Down

Did this week fly, or is it just me? Where does the time go ay? Not that it's been a particularly exciting week, it's just hard to believe we're over the last bank holiday weekend of the summer *sigh*.

But we won't dwell! This week hasn't been the most celebrity gossip filled week either. Apart from the rumours circulating about Simon Cowell to become a baby-daddy to New York socialite, and former friend's estranged wife, Lauren Silverman, turning out to be true! The 53 year old, music mogul was keeping his cards very close to his (hairy) chest, until now!

In a PR bid to rescue his career, Simon has enlisted the help of his close friend Piers Morgan, to conduct a two part interview in which he'll basically spill the beans. Both interviews are to take place as soon as the divorce between Lauren Silverman, and ex partner, Andrew Silverman is finalised. 

What did I get up to this week? I made the most of my bank holiday weekend, with a trip to Dublin to see a friend. Nothing too major, just a few drinks and dinner. 

Here's what I wore:

Shoes: Office
Jeans: Topshop
Pink Cut-Out Sides Top: Topshop
Blazer: Pennys
Rose-Gold Watch: River Island

But my biggest achievement of the week, was setting up my blog's Facebook page. I really, really enjoy writing it and looking for cute outfits/photos to post. 

I do take a lot of inspiration from blogs such as Love Lauren and So Sue Me, so if you do see any similar pictures, it's not that I'm trying to copy their style and I try put a bit of myself into everything I post.

Keep an eye out for my first competition this week. It'll be a good 'un!

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