Tuesday 4 June 2013

End of an Era

Apologies about the delay, but having survived my exams, I've lunged straight into pretty much a full-time job. I never thought at 18 I'd be living in an apartment on my own in Dublin, working full time. How did that happen?! 

But we won't dwell....

I genuinely am fighting back tears as I create this post. But here's, to what has been, the best year of my life.

My first year of college is over. What a year it has been! I really have made friends for life, all of them, both the girls I live with and my hunnies in college. 

From a broken heart, to breaking my arse laughing, the glass in my foot, a new job, being on television, my 18th birthday party, sneaking in and sneaking out, shopping trips, being drunk on the DART in the middle of the day, punching a girl in the vagina (she deserved it!), a hungover day trip to Galway that turned into 2 days, falling, and falling, and falling some more, tears and tantrums, swimming and gymming, I really can't sum it up.

So here it is in pictures, I love you all <3

Ireland's Ultimate Debutante Debut
Heather, Me, Maeve

Banana's in Pyjamas, Halloween
Me, Megan

Strangeways here we come
Me, Marie

Fresher's Ball with Basshunter
Me, Megan

New Year's Eve, DTwo
Maeve, Me

Maeve and I in The Evening Herold

Sarah, Aoife, Me

St Stephen's Night
Sarah, Me

Class night out, Dicey O'Reiley's
Jess, Me, Ben, Maeve, Jack

The Frontline with Pat Kenny
Megan, Me, Marie

New Year's Eve
Me, Maeve

Poker Night
Tamar, Me

Copper Face Jack's
Maeve, Me, Jess

Síofra Dempsey's Tumbler

Sly one in Coppers

Home away from home, DTwo
Jess, Me

Emma's Wedding, 
Me, Maeve

Aurther's Day

My 18th
Maeve, Me, Jess, Tamar

The night that never was
Me, Maeve, Jess

Jess, Me

Fresher's Week
Marie, Tamar

Tamar, Marie

Megan's Shoes

Maeve, Me

Photobooth, Dicey's
Maeve, Me

Maeve, Me

Welcome Back Party, Coppers
Me, Maeve

My Hunniez off to the Trinner's Ball

The inside shcoop

Tamar, Maeve, Jess, Me

Strawberry Dacquire's DTwo (surprise, surprise)
Me, Maeve

Pizza Max, my entire diet for the year

Date Night, Alfies, Coctails, Pub Crawl, Crawl Home
Maeve, Me

Staff night out
Me, Jess

Two lunatics heading off for a day trip

Thanks to every one of you for making it the best year of my life!

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