Friday 14 June 2013

Holiday Skin

As you know, I've been doing a couple of sunbeds. I'm now up to 8 minutes, and am loving my colour at the mo. However I know sunbeds aren't for everyone. So if you decide against them, there's still plenty you can do to prepare your skin before your hols. 

Skin: I know it's such a cliché, but hydration is key. Starting from the inside, out. Drink plenty of water. Obviously the weather has been fab in Ireland for the past week or two, and dare I say it, but it's bound to change soon, in fact, I think in some parts of the country it already has. It is a lot easier to chug down a litre or two when the weather is fine, but it's not always as easy to reach for the H2O when the weather is that bit...miserable.

Try switching your regular Barry's Tea to green, herbal or fruit tea. It might be difficult to get used to at the start, but you will aquire a taste for it. Not only is it hydrating, it will work wonders for your skin. 

If tea isn't your thing, maybe try some water-y fruits. I really love watermelon at the mo, and you might as well make use of it while it's in season. 

From the outside, if you're going to get your bits and bobs waxed before you go, now is the time to start exfoliating. My fave exfoliator is Soap and Glory Breakfast Scrub. Not only is it ah-mazing, it smells good enough to eat.

I think once or twice a week is plenty as we don't always have the time to spend hours in the shower, however much we want to.

However, make the time, after every shower to lash on some body lotion. Trust me, your skin will thank you for it. After trying hundreds of body lotions over my time, from Soap and Glory, Nivea, Aveno, Vaseline etc. I think my favourite has to be the cheap and cheerful Garnier Intensive Hydrating Lotion. 

I always get tired of products and rarely buy the same product twice, however I'm on my second bottle and still loving how it makes my skin feel. 

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