Wednesday 26 June 2013

Day One

Riiiight, so I was doing so well yesterday, until my auntie suggested to take me to dinner in The Derg Inn, one of my favourite restaurants, where I enjoyed a massive bowl of wild mushroom and roasted red pepper tagletelli...oops!

Not to worry, as today I was back on track.

Starting Weight: 9st 11lbs

Here's what I had:

Breakfast: Handful of blueberries, handful of raspberries, an apple and a black coffee.
Lunch: Pineapple and a cup of black coffee.
Dinner: Tomato soup and two slices of spelt bread (gluten free)

I know that the bread wasn't supposed to be part of the plan, but I have to admit, I would've been starving without it. I do feel a little hungry now. I drank plenty of water but am feeling very tired as well.

I'm quite looking forward to breakfast tomorrow. Unfortunately though, we have very little veg in the house, so I made some freshly squeezed OJ which I'm going to have in the morning before I get to the shops.

Wish me luck x

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