Sunday 30 June 2013

Summer Reads

I've never been one for reading, in fact, holidays are pretty much the only time of year I do read. Year after year I arrive home and say "I read this really good book on holidays. I'm definitely going to start reading more." Do I? No.

I love reading books that I can relate to, so some of my favourite books are by Marian Keys. Her books are mostly set in Dublin, and based on characters that I genuinely have in my life! 

Last year I read The Brightest Star in the Sky. "Welcome to 66 Star Street..." The plot follows Katie, 40, a live music exec, who spends her time wondering how much cheesecake you would need to eat until you died. 

Below her, sharp-tounged, quick witted Lydia, whose more than spikey exterior hides some unexpected soft spots. 

On the first floor is Fionn, the hunky gardner. 

And finally, at the bottom of the house, live Maeve and Matt, love's young dream who stave off despair by embarking on random acts of kindness.

But a mysterious visitor has just landed at 66 Star Street, and while old secrets are working their way to the surface, with them brings love, tragedy and unexpected optimism, which changes everything.

This book will have you laughing, crying, and living life as though the characters are close friends.

Two other favourites of mine are This Charming Man and the blockbuster Watermelon.

Happy Reading!

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