Monday 10 June 2013

Pre-Holiday Check List

With Portugal a mere 23 days away, I think now is the time to start preparing. Obviously I've been working on my fitness for a while now, but there are other aspects that us girls need to take care of before we jet off.

So over the next couple of days, I'm going to go through each of the stages I'm undertaking to make sure I'm like a walking advert for Boots! 

Face: You want to have a nice fresh face before you go on holidays, so step one; It's so important that you start taking your make up off before bed. I'm the world's worst for this! However, when I do, I use Simple products. Obviously use whatever brand you want, I just love the fresh feeling I get from simple. 

Naturally on holidays, (assuming you're going on a sun holiday), the vitamin D you get from the sun will work wonders for clearing up any nasties you have on your skin. However this is never going to happen if you're walking around caked in your heaviest foundation. I recently bought BB Cream.

I am in love! I bought the 'All in one, all day, everyday, something-or-other', in medium. You only need a small blob and it gives excellent coverage, without feeling like you're wearing foundation, and gives ample opportunity for the sun to work it's magic!

Next Post: Skin & Hair.

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