Tuesday 25 June 2013

The Countdown is ON!

With 9 days before I jet off to Sunny Portugal, my diet hasn't exactly gone to plan. I've been pretty stressed out lately with moving home, finishing work etc. so my diet hasn't exactly been a priority.

So basically, I need a quick fix. I've heard of the Sacred Heart Diet, where they claim that you loose between 10-17 lbs in one week. Sounds unhealthy, I know. But when I took a proper look at it, I realised it's not that bad and seems pretty maintainable.

I've decided to start it today. So each day I'm going to be completely honest and tell you how I'm feeling, if I've cheated, the exercise I'm doing, and most importantly, if it really works.

This diet is intended to clean out your system of impurities and gives you a feeling of well-being. After the 7 days, you should feel lighter, and an abundance of energy.

Day One: Soup and fruit. No bananas, stay away from soups that have cream in them, try make your own if possible.
Day Two: Stuff yourself with veggies; canned, frozen, fresh, raw, cooked whatever! Eat only the veggies and soup today, no fruit. Reward yourself at dinner-time with a baked potato and butter.
Day Three: Eat as much soup, fruit and veggies as you want. If you have eaten as above and not cheated, you should have lost between 5-7 lbs. 
Day Four: Bananas and skimmed milk. Eat at least three bananas today and drink as much milk as you can, along with the soup. You will need your carbs today in order to fight off that suger craving. I'm going to try a butternut squash and corriander soup.
Day Five: Beef and tomatoes. You can have between 10-20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes. Eat soup today.
Day Six: Eat your heart's content of beef and veggies today. Don't eat potatoes today. Eat plenty of green leafy veggies today, which are full of iron. Eat soup today.
Last but not least, DAY SEVEN: Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices, plenty of veggies and of course some soup.

Unsweetened fruit juices
Tea (also herbal)
Cranberry Juice
Skimmed Milk
Water, Water, Water!

☆ Remember!
The more you eat, the more you will loose. 
Do Not - 
Eat bread, carbonated drinks (incl diet) and no alcohol.

Do -
Drink plenty of water, between 6-8 glasses a day, as well as a combination of black coffee, unsweetened fruit juices, cranberry juice and skimmed milk. 

Best of Luck guys!

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