Sunday 22 December 2013

Sunday's Are For: Family ❆

Living in Dublin, away from home, with a busy college and social life, it's easy to get wrapped up in it all and forget about the things that matter the most. I'm the world's worst culprit for this. Before I know it, I've got myself all worked up over silly little things that are more often then not sorted out with a home-cooked meal and a chat with my mam.

Although I love living in Dublin, it's lovely to come home, especially to the country side, and chill out. Today I went for Sunday lunch in the newly opened Le Bouchon Restaurant in Portumna (Galway), with my mum, dad, auntie and uncle.

We had a fabulous meal and a good catch up. After all, that's what Christmas is for.

Here's what I wore:

Jumper: Topshop
Necklace: Pennys
Purse: Michael Kors
Tights: Dunnes
Boots: Topshop

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