Wednesday 20 November 2013

I'm Back

Yes, I am still alive.

I really didn't realise how intense college was going to be this year, and how little time I have, but I promise this time I'm back, for good. I've been very busy over the past few months, between my dad's surprise 50th, starting (then leaving) my job in Gourmet Burger Kitchen, my new boyfriend, and then my own birthday, not to mention the mountain of college work I've had on.

But don't worry, I'll fill you in, all in good time.

First things first, Happy (belated) 50th to my fabulous Daddy, who was lucky enough to have two birthday parties this year.

Although we do kill each other, and I did ignore you once for a solid two days (which you didn't notice), you'll always be the daddy who wiped my tears when I thought my teddys were ignoring me because they wouldn't talk back, and replied: "that's because you're listening with the wrong part of your body. You're listening with your ears, you have to listen with your heart."

First of all we went for dinner in Ananda in Dundrum. 

Here's what I wore:

Blazer: Topshop
Black 'swing top': Topshop
Black leather trousers: Topshop
Shoes: River Island
Earrings: CoCo and Co

Then, we had a surprise party for him in The Derg Inn, in Terryglass. 

Dress: Topshop
Gold Torc: Pennys

Dad's Birthday Cake:

I'll fill you in on the rest of my news soon :)

1 comment:

Penny for your thoughts? ☺