Saturday 23 November 2013

What a weekend!

So after coming home to Tipperary, and taking a break from the hustle and bustle of Dublin, I definitely feel that my head is a lot clearer. 

While I was a little worried about telling my parents how I feel about college, after about 10 minutes of talking it out, I realised there was no need to worry at all. 

Then yesterday, trawling through Facebook, I saw that one of my idols, Suzanne Jackson, of the blog So Sue Me, was going to be no more than an hour away from my hometown today!

Needless to say I headed off this morning to meet her; and was I in awe? Yes! She was everything I'd hoped she would be. She was kind, helpful and absolutely fabulous.

I got to spend plenty of time talking to her, explaining how I felt about college, telling her that she is living my dream.

She chatted to me for ages, giving me great advice, and really made me realise that no matter how big, or ridiculous your dream may seem to other people, just go for it. No matter how may set-backs you face in life, "keep the head up".

"Be nice in what you say to people. Don't begrudge them their successes and don't be happy for their failures. Be complimentary, not critical. Remember, even those who appear to be in the brightest of moods can have the darkest of problems. Don't be the reason someone has a bad day, be the reason they have a great day. Be happy, be positive, and good things will come" Suzanne Jackson.

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