Friday 22 November 2013

Winter Time

As the last leaves fall off the trees, the days get shorter and the nights get longer, that familiar nip in the air returns. And although I am a big fan of crop tops and a summer glow, I am a massive winter softie.

I love nothing more than panning out in front of the fire with a Christmas Classic on the telly, and a cup of hot chocolate in hand.

Here are the top 10 things to look forward to this winter:

Starbucks 'Signature Hot Chocolate'

Composing my Santa List

Festive Manicures

Christmas Shopping At Dundrum

Bob's Burgers Marathons with Stephen

Amen Girls

Spending Time at Home with Family
(where there's food in the fridge)

Getting Some New Winter Running Gear

Dates <3

Spending More Time Blogging

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