Sunday 24 November 2013

MAC 'Snob' Lipstick

So for my birthday this year, my mum and dad got me a voucher for Dundrum Shopping Center.

I love getting vouchers, because I always think that when you get a voucher, you're allowed buy things that you've always wanted, but always had to spend the money on more practical things.

I decided with this one, to treat myself to a new MAC Lippy. 

I picked up 'Snob', for just €19.00, but you definitely get what you pay for.      

I'm more than impressed with the quality of the lipstick, as it's smooth and lasts ages. However the girl did recommend a pencil to go with it, which can be used to either line the lip, or colour in the entire lip. This will keep the lippy on longer, and avoid it sinking into any cracks. This is available for €17.00, and with Christmas around the corner...

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