Thursday 21 November 2013

What to do?

So some of you may remember last March, I was "Stuck in a Rut" . I felt as though I had so much work on that I could hardly breathe, got a sick feeling in my stomach at the thought of going to college, and that no matter how hard I worked I never got any praise of recognition for my efforts.

Sound familiar? I've got Deja Vu

At the moment, I've got two options: I can stay in college, feeling miserable, doing my very best just to try and stay afloat, hopefully making it to my 4th year and coming out with some-kind of a degree.
I can drop out after Christmas, hopefully find a job in retail, and work as an intern (probably unpaid) for either a fashion blogger, or a fashion magazine, put in so much hard work and determination, and try make it on my own.

After a lot of tears, sleepless nights, and endless cups of tea, I was sure "I'm dropping out of college"...

Until this morning, when I mustered up the courage to go to college and talk to some of the best friends I've ever had, and who've made my decision so much more difficult. 

I've a lot of thinking to do over the next few weeks, and a lot of work to get done. But all I can say is, if any of this is feeling familiar, talk to someone. I'm lucky enough to have a hugely supportive family, boyfriend and group of friends, and am also going to talk to my course co-ordinator. Even if you feel you can't talk to the people you surround yourself with, use the services around you in your college. Guaranteed, there's plenty there to help you. 

But I know the most important thing for me to know is, I'm not alone, and neither are you.

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