Wednesday 31 July 2013

The Week Wrapped Up

So as promised, I will be blogging at least every Wednesday. There will of course be posts during the week, but with college around the corner, my schedule is going to be changing dramatically, therefore I need a solid time to blog. For the mo anyway, Wednesday suits me perfectly.

The week wrapped up is basically all the happenings during the week. From scandalous celebrity shennagins, my outfit of the week, pick of the week (which could include a new restaurant, nightclub, movie, album, basically anything!), and then possibly a round up of what I've been up to myself.

What an eventful week it has been! A week which will go down in the history books, as the week that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton herself, gave birth to the Prince of Cambridge, future King of England, George Alexander Louis. 

Looking positively glowing, he couple emerged with baby after what seemed to be the most anticipated birth of the 21st century! However, I can't help but feel slightly disappointed that it hadn't been a baby girl. I was looking forward to seeing the future Queen of England, dressed head-to-toe in high-street, if her mother's style is anything to go by!

 As we say hello to one, we say goodbye to another. Sadly, the week saw the death of Cory Monteith. The actor made his debut in the hit TV series Glee, where he played heartbreaker and football jock, Finn. However his name had become far more frequent in the media lately due to his apparent drug problem. The actor was found dead in his hotel room in Vancouver early last week, due to an overdose.

This week, his girlfriend, and co-star Lea Michele, broke her silence on twitter.

"Thank you all for helping me through this time with your enormous love&support. Cory will forever be in my heart"

Watch out for the new season of Glee, where episode three will be dedicated to Cory.

Last week in Fiona(hy)Land; I started a new job. I'm working in a recycling center as office administrator, in Limerick. The position is for six weeks, which is perfect timing; just before moving back to the big smoke! 

Not the most glamorous of jobs, but here's my outfit of the week.

Top: Topshop
Jeans: Topshop
Ring: River Island
IPhone Cover: Urban Outfitters

I've had a pretty quiet week other than that, apart from going to the pub for a few sociables with friends from school on Saturday night.

Hope you all enjoy the long weekend. I'll leave you with my pick of the week, Ellie Goulding's new single Burn. I know I'll have it on repeat for the remainder of the summer!

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