Friday 19 July 2013

Keep calm and have a Bifana!

Where do I even begin to explain the last two weeks of my life? It genuinely took me a few days to bring myself to write this post, as I was that depressed to be home. However at least I brought the weather with me!

While I had never actually heard of Albufeira before, I couldn't recommend it highly enough. The apartments we stayed in, Jeanelas Do Mar, were fab. We were more than impressed with the size of the apartments considering how cheap they were. They're also within walking distance of the strip, and only a €5 taxi into the Old Town.

I was majorly surprised by the amount of Irish people over there, especially working, for example touting and doing PR for different events. Even the English gave out about the amount of us there!

I made memories I'll never forget, and friends for life.

Here are a few tips I picked up along the way:

★ Don't fall asleep with sungalsses on
★ If drinking absenth, make sure you have something to wash it down with, (preferably not sambucca)
★ Don't go on bar crawls, they cost a fortune, when you can just follow them anyway
★ Pre-Drink as many nights as you can. The drinks abroad may look like bigger measures, but you might as well be drinking overpriced holy water!
★ No matter what time you get home from a night out, force yourself to get up and lie in the sun. Try not sleep all day, drink all night. Just don't sleep at all!
★ Go to a foam party
★ Sprinklers are a lot wetter than they look
★ When dancing, give it socks!
★ Hash browns, although difficult to find, are an excellent hangover cure
★ For free shots, put your head on the bar and open your mouth
★ There are snakes in Portugal, to avoid getting eaten, wear bangles and make plenty of noise
★ Regret nothing.

I really can't sum it up, so here are a few snaps :)





P.S This is a Bifana. It will change your life.

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