Sunday 30 June 2013

Summer Reads

I've never been one for reading, in fact, holidays are pretty much the only time of year I do read. Year after year I arrive home and say "I read this really good book on holidays. I'm definitely going to start reading more." Do I? No.

I love reading books that I can relate to, so some of my favourite books are by Marian Keys. Her books are mostly set in Dublin, and based on characters that I genuinely have in my life! 

Last year I read The Brightest Star in the Sky. "Welcome to 66 Star Street..." The plot follows Katie, 40, a live music exec, who spends her time wondering how much cheesecake you would need to eat until you died. 

Below her, sharp-tounged, quick witted Lydia, whose more than spikey exterior hides some unexpected soft spots. 

On the first floor is Fionn, the hunky gardner. 

And finally, at the bottom of the house, live Maeve and Matt, love's young dream who stave off despair by embarking on random acts of kindness.

But a mysterious visitor has just landed at 66 Star Street, and while old secrets are working their way to the surface, with them brings love, tragedy and unexpected optimism, which changes everything.

This book will have you laughing, crying, and living life as though the characters are close friends.

Two other favourites of mine are This Charming Man and the blockbuster Watermelon.

Happy Reading!

Friday 28 June 2013

Last Few bits and bobs :)

Ordered a small few bits and bobs from Topshop which arrived this morning! Also, a little tip, if you see something you like in Topshop (in Ireland) check to see if it's available online. The mark up in stores here is huge and shopping online can save you a few pennies :)


Thursday 27 June 2013

Dr Organic

Really looking forward to trying this new shampoo and conditioner that Holland and Barrett have launched.

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, by Dr Organic promises to leave hair moisturised, nourished and regenerated. The ingredients are all natural and include: Aloe Vera leaf juice, papaya fruit extract, Vitamin C and E, to name but a few.

While it smells like a Pina Colada, Must.Resist.Urge.To.Drink...

Day Two

This is a lot harder than I anticipated. I did cheat a little...again. But trust me it's a lot harder than it seems. 

Breakfast: Pineapple, blueberries and a cup of black coffee
Lunch: Bowl of tomato soup, and a bag of chocolate covered brazil nuts
Dinner: 2 small baked potatoes, 2 chargrilled corn on the cob
Apres Dinner: Slice of melon and 3 large strawberries.

I am feeling a little hungry. I think the trick of this diet is, they tell you to stuff yourself with fruit and veg, etc. but it's difficult to reach for the fruit when you really want something with a little more substance.

The brazil nuts were bold.

I'll be better tomorrow, promise!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Day One

Riiiight, so I was doing so well yesterday, until my auntie suggested to take me to dinner in The Derg Inn, one of my favourite restaurants, where I enjoyed a massive bowl of wild mushroom and roasted red pepper tagletelli...oops!

Not to worry, as today I was back on track.

Starting Weight: 9st 11lbs

Here's what I had:

Breakfast: Handful of blueberries, handful of raspberries, an apple and a black coffee.
Lunch: Pineapple and a cup of black coffee.
Dinner: Tomato soup and two slices of spelt bread (gluten free)

I know that the bread wasn't supposed to be part of the plan, but I have to admit, I would've been starving without it. I do feel a little hungry now. I drank plenty of water but am feeling very tired as well.

I'm quite looking forward to breakfast tomorrow. Unfortunately though, we have very little veg in the house, so I made some freshly squeezed OJ which I'm going to have in the morning before I get to the shops.

Wish me luck x

Tuesday 25 June 2013

The Countdown is ON!

With 9 days before I jet off to Sunny Portugal, my diet hasn't exactly gone to plan. I've been pretty stressed out lately with moving home, finishing work etc. so my diet hasn't exactly been a priority.

So basically, I need a quick fix. I've heard of the Sacred Heart Diet, where they claim that you loose between 10-17 lbs in one week. Sounds unhealthy, I know. But when I took a proper look at it, I realised it's not that bad and seems pretty maintainable.

I've decided to start it today. So each day I'm going to be completely honest and tell you how I'm feeling, if I've cheated, the exercise I'm doing, and most importantly, if it really works.

This diet is intended to clean out your system of impurities and gives you a feeling of well-being. After the 7 days, you should feel lighter, and an abundance of energy.

Day One: Soup and fruit. No bananas, stay away from soups that have cream in them, try make your own if possible.
Day Two: Stuff yourself with veggies; canned, frozen, fresh, raw, cooked whatever! Eat only the veggies and soup today, no fruit. Reward yourself at dinner-time with a baked potato and butter.
Day Three: Eat as much soup, fruit and veggies as you want. If you have eaten as above and not cheated, you should have lost between 5-7 lbs. 
Day Four: Bananas and skimmed milk. Eat at least three bananas today and drink as much milk as you can, along with the soup. You will need your carbs today in order to fight off that suger craving. I'm going to try a butternut squash and corriander soup.
Day Five: Beef and tomatoes. You can have between 10-20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes. Eat soup today.
Day Six: Eat your heart's content of beef and veggies today. Don't eat potatoes today. Eat plenty of green leafy veggies today, which are full of iron. Eat soup today.
Last but not least, DAY SEVEN: Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices, plenty of veggies and of course some soup.

Unsweetened fruit juices
Tea (also herbal)
Cranberry Juice
Skimmed Milk
Water, Water, Water!

☆ Remember!
The more you eat, the more you will loose. 
Do Not - 
Eat bread, carbonated drinks (incl diet) and no alcohol.

Do -
Drink plenty of water, between 6-8 glasses a day, as well as a combination of black coffee, unsweetened fruit juices, cranberry juice and skimmed milk. 

Best of Luck guys!

Friday 14 June 2013

Holiday Skin

As you know, I've been doing a couple of sunbeds. I'm now up to 8 minutes, and am loving my colour at the mo. However I know sunbeds aren't for everyone. So if you decide against them, there's still plenty you can do to prepare your skin before your hols. 

Skin: I know it's such a cliché, but hydration is key. Starting from the inside, out. Drink plenty of water. Obviously the weather has been fab in Ireland for the past week or two, and dare I say it, but it's bound to change soon, in fact, I think in some parts of the country it already has. It is a lot easier to chug down a litre or two when the weather is fine, but it's not always as easy to reach for the H2O when the weather is that bit...miserable.

Try switching your regular Barry's Tea to green, herbal or fruit tea. It might be difficult to get used to at the start, but you will aquire a taste for it. Not only is it hydrating, it will work wonders for your skin. 

If tea isn't your thing, maybe try some water-y fruits. I really love watermelon at the mo, and you might as well make use of it while it's in season. 

From the outside, if you're going to get your bits and bobs waxed before you go, now is the time to start exfoliating. My fave exfoliator is Soap and Glory Breakfast Scrub. Not only is it ah-mazing, it smells good enough to eat.

I think once or twice a week is plenty as we don't always have the time to spend hours in the shower, however much we want to.

However, make the time, after every shower to lash on some body lotion. Trust me, your skin will thank you for it. After trying hundreds of body lotions over my time, from Soap and Glory, Nivea, Aveno, Vaseline etc. I think my favourite has to be the cheap and cheerful Garnier Intensive Hydrating Lotion. 

I always get tired of products and rarely buy the same product twice, however I'm on my second bottle and still loving how it makes my skin feel. 

Monday 10 June 2013

Pre-Holiday Check List

With Portugal a mere 23 days away, I think now is the time to start preparing. Obviously I've been working on my fitness for a while now, but there are other aspects that us girls need to take care of before we jet off.

So over the next couple of days, I'm going to go through each of the stages I'm undertaking to make sure I'm like a walking advert for Boots! 

Face: You want to have a nice fresh face before you go on holidays, so step one; It's so important that you start taking your make up off before bed. I'm the world's worst for this! However, when I do, I use Simple products. Obviously use whatever brand you want, I just love the fresh feeling I get from simple. 

Naturally on holidays, (assuming you're going on a sun holiday), the vitamin D you get from the sun will work wonders for clearing up any nasties you have on your skin. However this is never going to happen if you're walking around caked in your heaviest foundation. I recently bought BB Cream.

I am in love! I bought the 'All in one, all day, everyday, something-or-other', in medium. You only need a small blob and it gives excellent coverage, without feeling like you're wearing foundation, and gives ample opportunity for the sun to work it's magic!

Next Post: Skin & Hair.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

End of an Era

Apologies about the delay, but having survived my exams, I've lunged straight into pretty much a full-time job. I never thought at 18 I'd be living in an apartment on my own in Dublin, working full time. How did that happen?! 

But we won't dwell....

I genuinely am fighting back tears as I create this post. But here's, to what has been, the best year of my life.

My first year of college is over. What a year it has been! I really have made friends for life, all of them, both the girls I live with and my hunnies in college. 

From a broken heart, to breaking my arse laughing, the glass in my foot, a new job, being on television, my 18th birthday party, sneaking in and sneaking out, shopping trips, being drunk on the DART in the middle of the day, punching a girl in the vagina (she deserved it!), a hungover day trip to Galway that turned into 2 days, falling, and falling, and falling some more, tears and tantrums, swimming and gymming, I really can't sum it up.

So here it is in pictures, I love you all <3

Ireland's Ultimate Debutante Debut
Heather, Me, Maeve

Banana's in Pyjamas, Halloween
Me, Megan

Strangeways here we come
Me, Marie

Fresher's Ball with Basshunter
Me, Megan

New Year's Eve, DTwo
Maeve, Me

Maeve and I in The Evening Herold

Sarah, Aoife, Me

St Stephen's Night
Sarah, Me

Class night out, Dicey O'Reiley's
Jess, Me, Ben, Maeve, Jack

The Frontline with Pat Kenny
Megan, Me, Marie

New Year's Eve
Me, Maeve

Poker Night
Tamar, Me

Copper Face Jack's
Maeve, Me, Jess

Síofra Dempsey's Tumbler

Sly one in Coppers

Home away from home, DTwo
Jess, Me

Emma's Wedding, 
Me, Maeve

Aurther's Day

My 18th
Maeve, Me, Jess, Tamar

The night that never was
Me, Maeve, Jess

Jess, Me

Fresher's Week
Marie, Tamar

Tamar, Marie

Megan's Shoes

Maeve, Me

Photobooth, Dicey's
Maeve, Me

Maeve, Me

Welcome Back Party, Coppers
Me, Maeve

My Hunniez off to the Trinner's Ball

The inside shcoop

Tamar, Maeve, Jess, Me

Strawberry Dacquire's DTwo (surprise, surprise)
Me, Maeve

Pizza Max, my entire diet for the year

Date Night, Alfies, Coctails, Pub Crawl, Crawl Home
Maeve, Me

Staff night out
Me, Jess

Two lunatics heading off for a day trip

Thanks to every one of you for making it the best year of my life!