Wednesday 2 January 2013

T'was the season ☃

It's only really now I'm appreciating my Christmas gifts, as Christmas day itself was a bit of a whirlwind of emotion (to say the least). I decided this year not to go for a new phone as I'm quite content with my little BlackBerry Bold. Until of course Christmas Eve, when he decided to hang up his...well hang-up button I suppose, for the last time ☹ . Too late for Santa to change his plans, I'm still more than excited with what I received instead!

And here they are; 

Marc Jacobs laptop bag, Soap and Glory, Ross O'Carroll Kelly keyring (i'm a bit of a feather head, that was more of a gift to my housemates if I'm honest!), Nails from Claires, The Princess Bride, Cath Kitson overnight bag, Brown Thomas Voucher, Diary and Gel Pens (re-living my childhood right there), a spa weekend for 2 with my darling mother, MAC eyeshadow, and yes that is a purse shaped like a pair of knickers, curtsy of my auntie!

All in all, an excellent christmas! Would love to now what weird and wonderful things you got? And to all, have a happy new year! 


  1. I love The Princess Bride so much. One of my all time favourite films.

    Love the presents!


    1. Yeah I'd never seen it so my cousin bought it for me. Its strange, but I like it! :)

  2. Them nails make me happy! So pretty


    1. Thank you!I love them too. Got them in Claires's Accessories, but if you get them, I'd advise buying nail glue separately cause they don't stick very well!


Penny for your thoughts? ☺