Thursday 10 January 2013

3 Girls, 2 Tubs and a Tin

Ok so this is a bit of a strange post, but last night when I was supposed to be studying for my politics exam, which was today, myself and my friend Marie decided it was far more important to learn the cup song. Now for those of you who don't know the cup song, I recommend that you go and educate yourselves via the youtube machine! :)

Its by Lulu and the Lampshades and has been most recently been made famous by the movie Pitch Perfect. 

So here is mine, Marie, and we recruited Jess (because we can't sing) to do the vocals. While we we're filming we realised just how funny we are, and made it more about the bloopers! 


1 comment:

  1. I nominated you for The Liebster Award!

    Go to my blog to find out the rules and see what it's about. :)



Penny for your thoughts? ☺