Wednesday 30 January 2013

Cinema Night :)

I think it was the Sunday before last when I went to the cinema, but my battery in my camera was dead and I couldn't upload the pictures until now.

What to wear to the cinema has always been a worry of mine? If it's a date, do you wear heels? Is it casual or dressy? And do I spend hours on my make up, even though no one will be able to see me as soon as the movie starts?! So many loop holes to consider.

So after careful consideration, I think I've managed to crack what to wear to the cinema...

And here it is; my ideal outfit anyway!

Black blazer: Topshop
Green Vest Top: Topshop
Shiny Disco Pants: Pennys
Army Green Boots: River Island
Ring & Necklace: Borrowed



And although I did spend quite a while on my make up I decided that i'd keep it pretty simple. I'm a lover of the "flicks" at the mo and think I've done a pretty ok job here. I also fill in my eyebrows using a dark brown eyeshadow such as Smog, in the Naked Pallet. 

For my foundation I use MAC studio fix foundation no.25 and the MAC mineralise powder in medium.

Have you any outfit ideas? 


  1. Haha I LOVE your blog tital! And I totally agree with it :) Love the blog! New follower, found you at Brightside Beauty Blog Hop.

    xo, Vita

    1. Thank you :) That means alot! Am now following you back

      Fiona 'Ox

  2. Loving the outfit, especially the boots! Now following from my Bright Side blog hop. You got the most views last weekend so I sent you an email invite to co-host this weekend's hop if you're interested. Thanks!


Penny for your thoughts? ☺