Thursday 3 January 2013

I got 55 resolutions, to be a bitch aint one!

Day 3 of 2013 and I've decided to come up with some resolutions. I've decided to set myself a couple of tasks/goals, and will document on each as I undertake and complete them. So the idea is a bit of a second-hand one, stolen from my friend's blog please do check it out, she's the cutest! 

1. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week ✔
2. Own a Mulberry handbag
3. Work in college, and not get in trouble for talking...
4. Get a job ✔
5. Save for a holiday to Ayia Napa this summer
6. Learn to drive
7. Get a tattoo
8. Go on a road trip
9. Read the newspaper ✔
10. Conqure my fear of spiders
11. Buy lunch for a homeless person
12. Own a fur coat
13. Buy a pair of Ray Bans
14. Find a man who will buy me a mulberry bag, a fur coat and ray bans
15. Wear a red dress
16. Look good in a bikini
17. Become a voulenteer
18. Learn to do eye-make up like a MAC artist
19. Get the back of my neck pierced
20. Not neglect my blog ✔
21. Not let my bad roots be confused with a dip-die ✔
22. Have my first golden week of college ✔
23. Not wear chipped nail polish
24. Get a tan
25. Catch up on The Only Way Is Essex
26. Have a duvet day with my bestie
27. Get my age card
28. Tweet
29. Meet at least 3 celebrities, (although Amy Winehouse and Michael Jackson are going to be tough to beat)
30. Protest for something I believe in
31. Read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series
32. Learn Adele's Someone Like You on he piano ✔
33. Make new friends
34. See a concert
35. Get a re-tweet from a celebrity
36. Read Marylin Munroe's biography 
37. Start running
38. Get on TV...again
39. Learn to spell
40. Not give myself food poisining 
41. Always wear perfume, and have people always tell me I smell nice (not that in 2012 I smelled bad, it'd just be nice to be told!)
42. Learn to soe
43. Up-cycle my clothes
45. Study for my Christmas Exams ✔
46. Buy a pair of Jeffry Campbells
47. Get my teeth fixed...possibly braces, boo! :(
48. Learn every word of 212
49. Learn to cook a roast dinner
50. Get a boyfriend...LOL JK me+cats 4 lyf :)
51. Buy a sports bra ✔
52. Drink at least 2 liters of H20 a day
53. Get a job in the summer working for a magazine/TV/radio station
54. Get more followers on my blog, hint hint.
55. Be a nicer person 

And there you have it! 55 promises between me and you to be completed this year. Any resloutions of your own? Am I completly forgetting obvious ones? Would love to know if we have any in common, and we can track our progress together! 

Best of Luck! 

coming soon...DVD reviews

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