Sunday 29 July 2012

200 Page Views ❤

Shucks 200 page views! Really? You shouldn't have! Ok, so I'm not exactly America's Next Top Blogger (see what I did there?) BUT nonetheless I'm very proud of my progress! ☺

So what have I got up to in the last few days now the excitment of the debs is over? Slept...ate...ate...and decided to join my local gym. And whats joining the gym without a before and after picture?!!

Not only this, but I'm going to start eating healthier as well. (I say this like every two weeks but now I put it on my blog I have to do it!) But this time instead of rewarding myself with chocolate or an ice cold can of coke, I'm going to reward myself with; 

✓ Bubble Baths
✓ Face Masks
✓ Getting my hair done etc;

And setting myself targets like this...

and this...
So wish me luck! ✌


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