Sunday 15 July 2012

Did you know; Katy Perry's cat is named Kitty Purry? Me neither!

So after the success of my shorts (still hanging in my bathroom), I thought I needed something for my jewllery. As you know long necklaces are all the rage at the mo, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that has noticed how little jewllery stands there are out there that cater for long necklaces! So VOILA! :D

I got the board itself in Woodies for €6.00 and did it up myself with photos ect. They're kind of hard to see in the pic but I found the mini pegs in a €2 shop which I think really sprouse it up a bit! :) Hope you like it, and even try it out yourselves! 

In other news, I got a new foundation during the week which I will review in my next post, Benefits;HELLO FLAWLESS OXYGEN WOW. Could it possible replace my MAC or Bare Minerals? We'll see! ;)

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