Friday 13 July 2012

Ahh the celebrity lifestyle!!

So what's been going on since my last post way way back in June? Well...only my instant catapult into stardom!!! (slight exaggeration? nah!) So after applying for a TV show back in December called Ireland's Dream Debs (now Ireland's Ultimate Debutante), I got called for an interview, which I have to say went very well. A few months later a got a call to say I was successful and they would be filming NEXT WEEK!! That I could deal with, it was the 7 outfit changes that got me! 

So, the big day was yesterday, and it's safe to say was probably one of the most stressful, nerve-wrecking, exciting and funniest days of my life. Without giving too much away, it consisted of a lot of laughs, some bad acting, a water skiing dog and a pair of BIG RED SNOOPY KNICKERS!!! Will be aired in stay tuned! (I've always wanted to say that in a literal sense!) My next post won't be too far as the debs is now a mere 13 days away! :)

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