Friday 28 December 2012

2013, YOLO

2012 draws to a close ay? And we all survived, Congratulations. 2012 has been good, lots of fond memories, some not so fond, but 2013 is going to be even better.

The new; single; 3 pounds (and counting) lighter; trainee journalist; 18 year old me is now prepared to take on 2013 with a bang. And what's the new me without a blog re-vamp? 

New Year's Resolution #1: I will not neglect my blog

So to fill you all in, here's a quick look at the latter 2012 in pictures. 


Sunday 18 November 2012


Where do I even begin this post? Do I start with Ireland's Ultimate Debutante? Or my new life in Dublin? The 'Fiona's Willy' story? Or my college wardrobe?! 

All in good time! ☺

So obviously I'm sure you ALL watched Ireland's Ultimate Debutante on the 17th of Oct! (for those of you that haven't, check it out here) What car crash TV ay? Have I any regrets? No. Am I bitter I didn't get through? No. It was the judges that got me. Check out Noel Cunningham, more make up on then the lot of us put together! 

However, I was happy I did the show and don't regret anything I said or did. Although, a word from the wise, if you do ever feature on a TV programme, DO NOT HASHTAG IT ON TWITTER!!! I do have a sense of humour and do realise that if I was watching it and wasn't in it, would probably cringe myself! Never-the-less, a great experience.

So aside from my recent stardom! College has been going swimmingly, and I am no longer a student, but a trainee journalist. The course is pretty intense with lectures such as politics but I love it.

Without futher adiue, I'm sure you're all dying to know about the "willy" story...

I have a lecture every Thursday called photojournalism, and last week we were given the task of putting together a presentation on 'a portrait of a worker'. As I only got my laptop yesterday I had to use a friend's to do my presentation. Being the smart arse that I am, I decided to save it as "FIONA'S WILLY" so the next time she would be going through her files she'd see it.

You can just imagine my mortification the next day when I plugged in my USB and in front of my entire lecture, up pops FIONA'S WILLY on the projector!

My lecturer was not impressed...

Sunday 9 September 2012

The Big Shmoke

10A.M. on the 8th of September 2012; my life begins! As I pack every item of my teen-hood into 3 and a half suitcases. I'd be lying if I didn't say a tear or two were shed! From my photo frame of my boyfriend and I at the debs, to Mr.Snugglums, to over-sized jumpers and a Dalmatian one-sie! Exciting as it may be, none-the-less nostalgic! 

However I couldn't help but think: "why is there not a list of things I should bring?" How was I to know, at a mere 17 what and what not to pack? So although like me, us kids of 2012 had to figure it out for ourselves, have no fear class of 2013! 

 It's a given really. As my dad so informatively pointed out yesterday (just as I'd squashed the final suitcase shut) "Fiona, bring 5 jocks, 5 socks, and 5 shirts. Done. College isn't a fashion parade." He got a great chuckle when I turned around and replied sternly "Dad it's college. IT IS A FASHION PARADE" As much as you can argue that it's not, looking well is important, now more than ever. However, convincing yourself that you may wear every item you own in your first week is un-advisable. It's never going to happen. So be smart about it, really do just pack what you need, plus it's easier when carrying home for mammy to wash!

Maybe not essential for all courses, but as a journalism student it is important. In my opinion buy good, buy once!  

Although many places provide bed linen and towels, I much prefer having my own. (#touchofOCD)

Hair straightener, hair brush, hair dryer ect
 I say these things, however if you are sharing a room, like myself, maybe it would be best to wait until you move in and get to know your new roomie until you start bringing up GHD's and expensive hair care/make up products. For the minute only bring the bare minimum, once you get settled you can bring the rest as you need it.

Fluffy Jammies
Moving away from home for the first time is daunting enough, so weather you still have a blankie, teddy or just your favourite pair of super soft pj's then pack 'em in the bag.

Shampoo, conditioner, body wash/lotion/razors (can't be known as Hairy Mary, not for the first term anyway!) 
Again, don't go buying all new products and milking your parents before you go, chances are you already have most of it. Plus, these handouts are going to be needed later on in the year for food, buses etc, and will dry up!

As soon as you get settled, make sure you look into getting registered for a student card. These are SO handy and may save you lots of cash. From meal deals, to travel expenses (and maybe a sneaky trip to topshop), student cards are a must!

If you're moving to a city, check out 'leap cards' , they work like phone credit, but are used for travel, you only spend as much as you have on the card, and top up when you need. 

Whatever you do, join the student's union, they have ALL the tips on accommodation, parties, gigs and promotions, plus societies and clubs.

After that kids you're on your own! ☺ I met my loveliest roommate yesterday and I can tell we're going to get just fine. Plus, she brought the Malibu!

And here it is, my humble abode...

Sunday 26 August 2012

College Wishlist!

Sorry about my recent lack of postage, but I literally have been up to my knickers lately between my new job, leaving cert results and CAO offers...and maybe a drink or two in between! 

Although I did a good leaving cert and was delighted with my points, unfortunately, I missed out on my college place by one grade in English! However, being the glass-half-full kind of girl that I am, I've decided to go with my second choice (journalism in DIT). And what's being a journalism student, in the big smoke, without a KILLER wardrobe to complete the look?

So here it is,
My College Wardrobe;

River Island



River Island

River Island

Sunday 12 August 2012

My inner Grit Doctor

Confession time... I still haven't joined the gym, or lost a morsel of weight since my "200 views" post! ☹ However, I have invested in, what is now, my bible; RUN FAT B!TCH RUN, by Ruth Field.

As someone who detests the very essence of running, even I cannot reccomend this book more. With the grit doctor by my side, today was my second outing of step one to becomming a runner. 

Who is the grit doctor I hear you ask?
"I am the grit doctor. I am a ruthless, no-nonsense motivator who will force you to do the things you don't want to do. I will whisper you fat bitch when you are contemplating one more roast potato" 

Everyone has a grit doctor, or rather, their "inner bitch" (mine is called Cheryl!). The aim? To befriend your inner bitch. 

Step one involves choosing what is know as a 'circuit'. A walk that begins and ends at your front door, which is roughly 3-4 miles long. It's very important that your circuit is somewhere nice, safe, and somewhere you won't get board of. 

Here is my circuit...

Hopefully some of you are lucky enough to live in the countryside like I do, however if not, choose a local park.

I also think it's important to have some inspiration. Here's mine: 

 "Believe me when I say that we all have an inner bitch - in fact, I'd go as far as to argue it's what makes us human" 

Hence, my inner bitch being, so appropriately named, Cheryl!

Find your inner bitch girls and best of luck future runners! 

Boogie of the Week!

So waking up saturday morning, realising (after a long week of work, may I add) that I had totally forgotten my friday boogie I have now decided to call it "boogie of the week"  And here it is! So grab an issue of look magazine, a mojito, and head outside to bask in this lovley weather (while it lasts!)


Angus and Julia Stone - You're the one that I want 

Friday 3 August 2012

Friday Treats!

So! I started a new job today. From Ireland's ultimate debutantte to....a waste disposal plant? It's true! But I'm working in an office so it's all good! :) Got the job through my cousin, just filling in for 4 or 5 weeks until I start collage. To celebrate, I rewarded myself with this gorgeous parka courtesy of E-Bay! 

Can't wait for it to arrive. Perfect for (an irish) summer over a pair of shorts and tights as above, or with skinny jeans and heels for a day in town with the girls.



Decided to start up "my friday boogie" ..(stole the idea from a friend) so here it is! Get your dancing shoes on and enjoy the long weekend! Oh and any requests, just halla! <3


Sunday 29 July 2012

200 Page Views ❤

Shucks 200 page views! Really? You shouldn't have! Ok, so I'm not exactly America's Next Top Blogger (see what I did there?) BUT nonetheless I'm very proud of my progress! ☺

So what have I got up to in the last few days now the excitment of the debs is over? Slept...ate...ate...and decided to join my local gym. And whats joining the gym without a before and after picture?!!

Not only this, but I'm going to start eating healthier as well. (I say this like every two weeks but now I put it on my blog I have to do it!) But this time instead of rewarding myself with chocolate or an ice cold can of coke, I'm going to reward myself with; 

✓ Bubble Baths
✓ Face Masks
✓ Getting my hair done etc;

And setting myself targets like this...

and this...
So wish me luck! ✌


Friday 27 July 2012

A night to remember! ★

10.30am; I arrive in the hair salon, 2 hours and 88 clips later voila!! I wanted a nice classic up do, nice and soft around the face, yet not your typical "debs hair". I was so happy with the outcome and could not recommend MELO YELO, Limerick highly enough. 

12.30pm; I go across to Brown Thomas to be greated by the friendly faces of Éstee Lauder who did an absloutely STUNNING job on my make up. I opted for a nice navy smokey eye, but kept it very nude on the lips.

 Me and my boyfriend Steven

I arrived home at 3.00pm to be greated by an abundance of family, friends, money, jewllery, flowers, and a beautiful cake!


Next was into town to meet the girlies and get the bus to the hotel. Everyone looked #amazeballs (and I'm not just saying that, everyone genuinely put in so much effort). 

Left to right; Sarah, Caoimhe, Me, Megan and Niamh.

As the show (Ireland's Ultimate Debutante) is coming out at the end of Oct, I can't give too much away. But I'll remind you all when it's coming out so DON'T WORRY!! ;) Hope you like my dress, hair, make up ect. If you want to know where I got my dress, or any of the girls above, please let me know! :)

P.S Yes Cheryl Cole does have my ear rings!

Love Always;

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Oh my my my oh my my my OH MY MY MY MY JULYYY!


This STUNNING Paul's Boutique bag. 

€75.00 on Teamed with a pair of denim skinny jeans, loafers, and a blazer for a look that says "YES THIS IS A REAL PAUL'S BOUTIQUE BAG THANKS FOR ASKING"

MAC Pigment Pot. 

An excellent bargin from MAC at a teeny tiny price of €12.00!! Available on Although there are some high street versions which also do the trick, such as maybelline! I like to put it under the top lid of my eye (perfect if you haven't mastered the "flicks" yet) as it adds defenition to any style or colour eyeshadow!

Next is thses; Chelsa Boots from Topshop.

Perfect for shopping with the girls, or a trip to the cinema. I'd team them with a pair of high waisted skinny jeans, and an oversized cardigan for a more casual approach.

(in my opinion) The perfect LBD.

What can I say about this little black dress by American Aparrel €49.77 on Teamed with a pair of teel earings for a splash of colour, red lips if you're feeling daring, or keep it class with brassy gold ear rings and some wooden bangles.

 Another topshop beauty, €50.00. 

Can be dressed up or dressed down for any occassion, wheather hitting the town, or hitting Tesco! Perfect over an LBD (as above) for a night out, or summery dress for during the day with a pair of loafers or gladiator sandles. 

Available from all good bookstores nationwide!

Why is it on my wishlist? Who's isn't it on? After hearing so much about it I NEED to get my hands on a copy!

€25.00 from (the one and only) TOPSHOP! surprise;suprise!

LOVING the American Flag theme running throughout Topshop at the mo. Perfect with a pair of ripped denim shorts and white converse for the "preppy look" (maybe a bit Jessie from Saved By The Bell but it works for me!) 

So that ladies and gentlemen  is my July wishlist! :) Feel free to forward on any of these items on to my home address! :D Would love to know whats on your July wishlist! Leave your comments below! <3