Sunday 12 August 2012

My inner Grit Doctor

Confession time... I still haven't joined the gym, or lost a morsel of weight since my "200 views" post! ☹ However, I have invested in, what is now, my bible; RUN FAT B!TCH RUN, by Ruth Field.

As someone who detests the very essence of running, even I cannot reccomend this book more. With the grit doctor by my side, today was my second outing of step one to becomming a runner. 

Who is the grit doctor I hear you ask?
"I am the grit doctor. I am a ruthless, no-nonsense motivator who will force you to do the things you don't want to do. I will whisper you fat bitch when you are contemplating one more roast potato" 

Everyone has a grit doctor, or rather, their "inner bitch" (mine is called Cheryl!). The aim? To befriend your inner bitch. 

Step one involves choosing what is know as a 'circuit'. A walk that begins and ends at your front door, which is roughly 3-4 miles long. It's very important that your circuit is somewhere nice, safe, and somewhere you won't get board of. 

Here is my circuit...

Hopefully some of you are lucky enough to live in the countryside like I do, however if not, choose a local park.

I also think it's important to have some inspiration. Here's mine: 

 "Believe me when I say that we all have an inner bitch - in fact, I'd go as far as to argue it's what makes us human" 

Hence, my inner bitch being, so appropriately named, Cheryl!

Find your inner bitch girls and best of luck future runners! 

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