Sunday 18 November 2012


Where do I even begin this post? Do I start with Ireland's Ultimate Debutante? Or my new life in Dublin? The 'Fiona's Willy' story? Or my college wardrobe?! 

All in good time! ☺

So obviously I'm sure you ALL watched Ireland's Ultimate Debutante on the 17th of Oct! (for those of you that haven't, check it out here) What car crash TV ay? Have I any regrets? No. Am I bitter I didn't get through? No. It was the judges that got me. Check out Noel Cunningham, more make up on then the lot of us put together! 

However, I was happy I did the show and don't regret anything I said or did. Although, a word from the wise, if you do ever feature on a TV programme, DO NOT HASHTAG IT ON TWITTER!!! I do have a sense of humour and do realise that if I was watching it and wasn't in it, would probably cringe myself! Never-the-less, a great experience.

So aside from my recent stardom! College has been going swimmingly, and I am no longer a student, but a trainee journalist. The course is pretty intense with lectures such as politics but I love it.

Without futher adiue, I'm sure you're all dying to know about the "willy" story...

I have a lecture every Thursday called photojournalism, and last week we were given the task of putting together a presentation on 'a portrait of a worker'. As I only got my laptop yesterday I had to use a friend's to do my presentation. Being the smart arse that I am, I decided to save it as "FIONA'S WILLY" so the next time she would be going through her files she'd see it.

You can just imagine my mortification the next day when I plugged in my USB and in front of my entire lecture, up pops FIONA'S WILLY on the projector!

My lecturer was not impressed...

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