Thursday 28 November 2013

My Christmas Wishlist

Is it just me or is Christmas really coming early this year? I know I say it every year, but with only 2 more weeks of college before the holidays, I really don't know where the time has gone!

So that said, I think it's definitely time to start planning my Christmas wishlist.

1. A Fur Coat

Every year I say 'this is the year I'm going to buy myself a fur coat.' However, they're expensive and I always end up buying loads of little bits instead of one. These fab fur coats are available on, ranging from €110-€250. While I know it's quite pricy, it is an investment, and something you'll hold onto for years.

2. Michael Kors Purse.

This has been on my Christmas list for far too long now, and with a Michael Kors store opening up in Dundrum, hopefully this will be the year to get it.

3. Plum Lippy

Adore this plum colour this season, especially when it's Chanel.

4. Hair Extensions
I had blonde hair extensions before, from Sally's Salon Services, in Limerick, which lasted me ages. However I've heard that the hair extensions on Moore Street, Dublin are excellent. It's real hair, so the quality is top notch. I'm going to get rid of my balayage, and dye my hair a darker brown.

5. This H&M Blazer

Spotted it today in H&M, for just €29.95. The picture doesn't even do it justice! It's beautifully tailored and fits like a glove. Pair it with a cream pussy-bow blouse and a pair of high-waisted black jeans for a look which can be worn on a shopping trip with the girls, or throw on a pair of heels and go for coctails! 

6. A Festive Jumper

I'm dying to get my hands on a Christmas jumper from Funky Jumpers on South William Street. And if they're good enough for Tommy Bowe, they're good enough for me! Yum...

7. Nice Gloves

All of the above are from Topshop.

8. A Pair of Ankle Boots

Ankle boots are everywhere this season, especially the ones with the cut-out sides. I adore these Topshop booties, perfect for wearing them to college, or on a night out. I love them with an over-sized shirt, a pair of tights and a satchel .

9. A New Dress for a wedding.

Stephen and I are going to a New Year's Eve wedding, which is a black tie event. Obviously due to recessionary times, and with me being jobless, I've been thinking of cheaper alternatives to buying a really expensive dress that I'm only going to wear once or twice. So then I thought of Starla, a dress rental shop on South William St. I adore Starla's collections, and the idea of renting a dress is far more appealing, especially for events like weddings, Christmas parties, New Year's Eve etc. Above is just a taster of some of the ones I love.

10. A double scull cuff.

I've seen them worn by a couple of A-List Celebs recently and I think they're fab. While they are expensive, and available to buy for €30 in Starla, you can find far cheaper on eBay and Amazon!

So that's it for my Santa list...friends and family, take note!

Sunday 24 November 2013

MAC 'Snob' Lipstick

So for my birthday this year, my mum and dad got me a voucher for Dundrum Shopping Center.

I love getting vouchers, because I always think that when you get a voucher, you're allowed buy things that you've always wanted, but always had to spend the money on more practical things.

I decided with this one, to treat myself to a new MAC Lippy. 

I picked up 'Snob', for just €19.00, but you definitely get what you pay for.      

I'm more than impressed with the quality of the lipstick, as it's smooth and lasts ages. However the girl did recommend a pencil to go with it, which can be used to either line the lip, or colour in the entire lip. This will keep the lippy on longer, and avoid it sinking into any cracks. This is available for €17.00, and with Christmas around the corner...

Saturday 23 November 2013

What a weekend!

So after coming home to Tipperary, and taking a break from the hustle and bustle of Dublin, I definitely feel that my head is a lot clearer. 

While I was a little worried about telling my parents how I feel about college, after about 10 minutes of talking it out, I realised there was no need to worry at all. 

Then yesterday, trawling through Facebook, I saw that one of my idols, Suzanne Jackson, of the blog So Sue Me, was going to be no more than an hour away from my hometown today!

Needless to say I headed off this morning to meet her; and was I in awe? Yes! She was everything I'd hoped she would be. She was kind, helpful and absolutely fabulous.

I got to spend plenty of time talking to her, explaining how I felt about college, telling her that she is living my dream.

She chatted to me for ages, giving me great advice, and really made me realise that no matter how big, or ridiculous your dream may seem to other people, just go for it. No matter how may set-backs you face in life, "keep the head up".

"Be nice in what you say to people. Don't begrudge them their successes and don't be happy for their failures. Be complimentary, not critical. Remember, even those who appear to be in the brightest of moods can have the darkest of problems. Don't be the reason someone has a bad day, be the reason they have a great day. Be happy, be positive, and good things will come" Suzanne Jackson.

Friday 22 November 2013

Winter Time

As the last leaves fall off the trees, the days get shorter and the nights get longer, that familiar nip in the air returns. And although I am a big fan of crop tops and a summer glow, I am a massive winter softie.

I love nothing more than panning out in front of the fire with a Christmas Classic on the telly, and a cup of hot chocolate in hand.

Here are the top 10 things to look forward to this winter:

Starbucks 'Signature Hot Chocolate'

Composing my Santa List

Festive Manicures

Christmas Shopping At Dundrum

Bob's Burgers Marathons with Stephen

Amen Girls

Spending Time at Home with Family
(where there's food in the fridge)

Getting Some New Winter Running Gear

Dates <3

Spending More Time Blogging

Thursday 21 November 2013

What to do?

So some of you may remember last March, I was "Stuck in a Rut" . I felt as though I had so much work on that I could hardly breathe, got a sick feeling in my stomach at the thought of going to college, and that no matter how hard I worked I never got any praise of recognition for my efforts.

Sound familiar? I've got Deja Vu

At the moment, I've got two options: I can stay in college, feeling miserable, doing my very best just to try and stay afloat, hopefully making it to my 4th year and coming out with some-kind of a degree.
I can drop out after Christmas, hopefully find a job in retail, and work as an intern (probably unpaid) for either a fashion blogger, or a fashion magazine, put in so much hard work and determination, and try make it on my own.

After a lot of tears, sleepless nights, and endless cups of tea, I was sure "I'm dropping out of college"...

Until this morning, when I mustered up the courage to go to college and talk to some of the best friends I've ever had, and who've made my decision so much more difficult. 

I've a lot of thinking to do over the next few weeks, and a lot of work to get done. But all I can say is, if any of this is feeling familiar, talk to someone. I'm lucky enough to have a hugely supportive family, boyfriend and group of friends, and am also going to talk to my course co-ordinator. Even if you feel you can't talk to the people you surround yourself with, use the services around you in your college. Guaranteed, there's plenty there to help you. 

But I know the most important thing for me to know is, I'm not alone, and neither are you.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

I'm Back

Yes, I am still alive.

I really didn't realise how intense college was going to be this year, and how little time I have, but I promise this time I'm back, for good. I've been very busy over the past few months, between my dad's surprise 50th, starting (then leaving) my job in Gourmet Burger Kitchen, my new boyfriend, and then my own birthday, not to mention the mountain of college work I've had on.

But don't worry, I'll fill you in, all in good time.

First things first, Happy (belated) 50th to my fabulous Daddy, who was lucky enough to have two birthday parties this year.

Although we do kill each other, and I did ignore you once for a solid two days (which you didn't notice), you'll always be the daddy who wiped my tears when I thought my teddys were ignoring me because they wouldn't talk back, and replied: "that's because you're listening with the wrong part of your body. You're listening with your ears, you have to listen with your heart."

First of all we went for dinner in Ananda in Dundrum. 

Here's what I wore:

Blazer: Topshop
Black 'swing top': Topshop
Black leather trousers: Topshop
Shoes: River Island
Earrings: CoCo and Co

Then, we had a surprise party for him in The Derg Inn, in Terryglass. 

Dress: Topshop
Gold Torc: Pennys

Dad's Birthday Cake:

I'll fill you in on the rest of my news soon :)