Wednesday 24 April 2013

The truth about sunbeds

Don't kill me, but I've started doing a few sunbeds once or twice a week. I know, I know, they give you cancer, but then again what doesn't these days?!

So instead of being like "oh sunbeds are great, they make you tan, blahdy blah", I'm not going to endorse them, nor preach about how terrible they are. But for a lot of girls, there just going to go ahead anyway and do them. So I'm here to tell you the truth about what to and not to do. And trust me I'm speaking from experience.

I started going for them a few weeks ago, but have only gone once or twice a week which is plenty. 

First things first, ask the receptionist to show you exactly what to do, how it works etc before you step/lie into one. I didn't do this and ended up lying there with the lid open "because thats what the girl in the picture did". No. That's ridiculous! 

Secondly, if you've seen final destination 3 and it's putting you off, forget it! It's not like that at all. (If you haven't seen it, you should watch it, it's a good movie. But fastforward the sunbed part!)

Next thing you need to do is determine what skin type you are. Seeing as this is an Irish blog, I'm going to assume that you're fair-skinned. Therefore, you need to go for as little time as possible to start off. I suggest going for 2/3 mins for the first few times and working your way up minute by minute.


This, I am most defiantly speaking from experience. You don't want to end up like me:

Not only is it extremely dangerous, it hurts like a motherf**er!!

It's really important to keep moisturised. There's no need to be drawn into the fancy-smancy creams and oils they have for sale, a regular moisturiser will do just fine. Whatever about moisturising before a bed, defiantly moisturise after.

Exfoliate before a bed where possible. You can't go into a bed if you're already wearing tan or you'll fry!

There are two kinds of bed, lie down and stand up. In my experience, the lie down ones are stronger, however if your not a big fan of enclosed spaces then the stand up ones might be better.

I pay €1.00 per minute for a bed, and to be honest I think anything more than that is a rip off. There are also plenty of offers on in tanning shops, however don't go getting committed to anything until you've given them a good go and are sure you want to continue with them.

I think that's pretty much all of the wisdom on sunbeds I can share for the mo. 

I always feel a lot better about myself when I have a tan, but I won't continue them when I come back from holidays, I'll invest in a good bottle of tan for the winter. My fave is TanOrganic :)

Hope this was helpful!

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