Monday 1 April 2013

101 Beauty Miracles

FABULOUS! I've figured out the issue of tabs. I've been working on it for ages and have just cracked it, so bare with me! 

This tab pretty much is exactly what it says on the

101 of my little beauty miracles that I'm ready to share with the world!

#1. SkinCare

Vitamin C works wonders for your skin. Not only does it have a brightening effect and boosts circulation, it also acts as a natural skin protector. 
Try making your own vitamin C face-mask using simple ingredients found in the kitchen cupboards.

To get the best out of any face-mask, I highly recommend steaming your face over a bowl of boiling water. This will open your pores and get rid of any nasties in there. However it's so important to rinse your face using cold water to close the pores before applying anything to the skin. I learned this the hard trust me!

All you need:
Vitamin C tablet

What to do:
1.Squeeze a small amount of honey into a bowl
2.Crush up half a vitamin C tablet into a powder
3.Add in some water (make sure the misture isn't too runny, so it stays on your face!)
4.Leave on for 15-20 mins
5.Rinse off with luke warm water.

I suffer from dry skin on my forehead, and use 'simple' moisturiser everyday so feel free to lash some on after the mask.

Enjoy looking fresh!

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