Sunday 21 April 2013

Where have I been?

I really am sorry about the recent lack of postage. April is nearly over! How did that happen?! I wish I could say that I've been snowed under with college work and....psshhh no I don't! 

I've been shopping is where I've been. But not for myself, for you, my blog followers. It's very important I keep you up to date with what's out there guys. Believe it or not, but I've spent hours upon hours traipsing around the streets of Dublin on the hunt for dresses, shoes, handbags, jewelry etc to show you!

Okay maybe I did buy some for myself, but most of it's for you. Promise.

ASOS €87.00

Forever 21 €10.50

Both MAC, BT2.
Brush: €42.00 
Mineralize Skin Finish in Medium Deep: €27.00

Topshop €10.50

ALDO €100.00

Dress Topshop online €70.00

So ya see? I have been busy. Also, the above picture was taken at our 'welcome back' party. I'm not sure what or who we're welcoming back, I think it was an after Easter thing? Any excuse for a party really!

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