Wednesday 27 March 2013

Guiltless Yum Yums

As many of you know, I have an enormous sweet-tooth. Literally cannot function without chocolate. Unfortunately, my diet forbids such things, and so do my thighs...

But fear not, fellow sweeties, I have found a guilt-less sweet alternative that is not only super healthy, but also delicious.

Bit like Eton-Mess, but without the cream.

You will need:

Fat Free Frommage Frais
Iceing Suger
Meringue Nests

What to do:

1.Break up the meringue nests into large enough chunks, they will tend to crumble a bit but that's fine.
2.Pour in enough frommage frais to cover the meringue.
3.Sieve in some iceing suger (I'm not one to weigh things, I prefer to taste as I go along)
5.Add in the blackberries and raspberries

I made these for the first time today and they were so simple and so quick.

Et voila... 


Penny for your thoughts? ☺