Friday 10 May 2013

Super GreenTea Diet

Well guys, after loosing a further 9lbs, making it a total of 1st 4lbs, I thought I'd let you in on one of my little secrets! 

It's these bad boys, 

I went into Holland and Barrett a couple of weeks ago and was approached by such a hottie, who when he asked me what I was looking for, in a startled voice I replied, "ehh..something to make me skinny". Looking a little embarrassed, he showed me these. He said that there their fastest selling weight-loss supplements that they have. 

For just €11.99, they certainly did the job! You take one in the morning as soon as you wake up, and the second around lunch time. He advised me not to take them after 4 o'clock in the day as the two tablets are the equivalent of 12 cups of green tea, and my keep you awake. 

In my experience of them, at the start I found I had 'the shakes' a bit, however when I went back to talk to them they told me that I either a.) needed to drink more water with them or b.) wasn't using up the excess energy that I've been given and need to do some more exercise.

The ingredients are all natural so shouldn't be a problem to take, however I'm no expert, so make sure you talk to them in store about your own personal requirements! 

Here's a picture I took during the week, hopefully there'll be even further improvements over the next couple of weeks!

And speaking from experience here, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

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