Tuesday 26 March 2013

9lbs lighter

Okay, I'm not entirely ready to start posting before and after pictures just yet, nor have I complete resolution #16, look good in a bikini. I have in fact lost 9lbs, and am feeling healthier than ever! 

I though it might be some encouragement to know that if like me, you've struggled with your weight for a while, that it is possible to loose it, and those skinny bitches out there could be you someday.

While I've never been fat I have been preeeetty chubby my whole life, but worse than that, just really unhappy with my body, and no matter what size or shape you are, there's always something you can do about it. Instead of harping on about what a terrible diet you have and how you need to go outside and immediately run 10km or face a life of ridicule and general fat-ness; I thought it'd be more helpful if I gave an example of what I've been eating, exercising etc, plus some of the difficulties I've faced. 

★ First of all, find yourself a buddy. Someone who's not going to feed you with chocolate when you're being a hormonal bitch, who'll go for a walk with you at 1 in the morning cause you're feeling guilty about not exercising all day, who you can maybe cook with, and who'll encourage you. I've got Maeve. 

Find yourself a Maeve :)

A typical day for me, goes something like this...

Breakfast: Porridge, slimline milk, flax seeds and a banana + a cup of green tea
Lunch: Strawberries, pineapple, orange, melon, berries in a fruit salad + a can of Diet Coke (try water if you can, I'm just addicted to Diet Coke)
Dinner: Grilled Salmon, asparagus, broccoli, peppers + water
Snacks: Handful of nuts (be wary of nuts, they seem like a healthy alternative, which I suppose they are, but do contain a lot of fat so just treat them with caution!)

★ I don't limit my portion sizes, or starve myself. I've also eaten a lot of chocolate lately, but I'm not going to let it affect me, I just take everyday as it comes.

★ I've cut out all white bread, bagels, rice, pasta etc and made the switch to wholewheat or brown. Difficult to get used to at the start, but trust me your body will thank you.

★ I'm not one to drink gallons of water during the day, so I try drink green tea instead of regular tea or coffee, as it speeds up your metabolism like cray! Seriously, all the celebs are drinking it.

★ A really handy hint which I've only recently discovered is eating berries after everything. They help break down your food and are packed with fibre. Try have some handy in the fridge along with some pineapple chunks as they're so handy when you're feeling peckish and you can eat unlimited amounts.

★ I try shop in ALDI and LIDL as there fruit and veg is yum and a fraction of the price of other supermarket chains.

★ Exercise wise, I built myself up slowly. Think snail's pace. Started off burning 50-100 cals in the gym, now I'm doing 45 mins of the treadmill 5 times a week and burning 500+!!

★ If you just can't hack running, like me, try walking at a quick pace on an incline. You can thank me when you have buns of steel! ;)

★ Finally, and I can't stress this enough, do it for yourself. If you're doing it cause your friends are skinny, or to impress some guy, you're never going to maintain it. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Embrace it. 

I really hope this post encourages some of you, and I'd love to know how you're getting on. 

Best of luck girl-ohs

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