Monday 25 March 2013

Stuck in a rut!

It's now the end of March and while I have completed some of my new years resolutions, the term new year has become a distant memory. 

Do you think it's possible to hit a mid-teen/twenties crisis? Why, when my whole life, I've been so sure of what I wanted to do with my life, am now questioning everything? I have a good job, I'm living in an amazing city with some of the best girls I've ever met, I'm single, no strings attached, loosing weight, feeling great; but way in over my head! 

I no longer want to be a journalist. I hate my course. Why does no one tell you how you're doing in college? I get no praise for my work, no one cares if I show up, in fact, my lecturers don't even know my name! I have news stories to write every week with tight deadlines that get shredded apart by a cut throat editor. Is that really what I want with my life? To work my ass off on a story, just to be told it's shite? No thanks.

Working in Gourmet Burger Kitchen, although it is only waitressing, gives me a sense of achievement. I get told when I'm doing a good job, I get wages, customers tip me because I have a bit of banter with them (and can carry three plates at once!) While I'm not saying I want to be a waitress all my life, I just think it needs to be said, if you're like me and need a bit of encouragement every now and again, you're not going to get it in college. You're probably doing a great job, but no one's going to tell you.

What I really want is to travel the world. I want to swim with dolphins in Hawaii, skydive in Vegas, eat mad things in Thailand, motorbike down route 66, eat croissants in Paris.....

I want to present E!News, go to The Oscars, interview stars, run my blog as a business, organise fashion and music events...

Not much, I know.

Does anyone know if there's a course for this? Or some special grant scheme I can apply for? lol

I'm afraid if I drop out of college I'll have to leave Dublin, loose my grant, loose my student over-draft and my student card, which gives me so many discounts. I apologise for this moany post, but after a night of crying my eyes out to my parents and the massive stress spot on my nose, I decided it was necessary. 

Please tell me I'm not alone?

P.S did I mention I'm in bed listening to Norah Jones? Desperate times I tell you...

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