Monday 9 September 2013

At long last!

First of all, I would like to sincerely apologise for my lack of postage lately. But I had a disaster of a week to be fair.

Last weekend, as you all know, I was supposed to be heading off to Electric Picnic with Maeve. Unfortunately, things didn't work out as planned. So instead of moping for the weekend, we decided to head somewhere else. At 1pm last Saturday (with a litre of Malibu in us), we threw some clothes into a bag (no toothburshes, no flat shoes; only the important stuff like heels, make-up etc. and of course a Giraffe Onesee,) and hopped in a taxi to Heuston Station.

It was from there, we decided Kilkenny would be a good bet. Continuing to drink on the train, we almost missed our stop. Feeling flustered we ran into the bathrooms where the train attendant? (is that what they're called?) shouted at us to hurry up, when all of a sudden I hear a "plop". My iPhone. Down the toilet. 

Luckily, seeing the funny side, we headed off to the hostel where we'd booked for the night. Never again. We ended up having to share a room with a boy from Germany and another boy from The Netherlands. 

I don't know about you, but this was my first and last time ever staying in a hostel!

Neither of us were able to sleep, so at about 6.30am we decided to find the nearest hot deli counter for a breakfast roll, no shoes, me in the clothes from the night before, and Maeve in a giraffe onesee. It's safe to say: "Kilkenny we won't be seeing you soon!"

Sadly my iPhone has not been returned yet so I'm unable to post any pictures of the weekend yet, but I'm very excited about my pick of the week this week, which I'm sure you'll all LOVE! Will hopefully have my baby back early this week.

I missed you btw,

Talk soon

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