Thursday 6 February 2014

4lbs Down!

So today, I had my induction at the gym. At two o'clock, I met with the lovely Brian, one of the instructors in The Swan Center in Rathmines. Firstly, he asked me a couple of questions, such as "How active am I?", about my medical history etc. 

After that then, he took my measurements (chest, waist and hips), before weighing me. As it turns out, I've lost 4 pounds, since starting back at the gym!

I'm absolutely delighted with myself, and have achieved it simply through cutting back on my portions, and exercising more.

I'm meeting Brian again on Monday, where he is going to give me a personal work-out plan, which obviously I will share with you all.

But for now, I've decided to put together my top tips based on my experience over the last few weeks:

1. WATER!! My biggest and by far most important tip. It will stave off any hunger pangs, keep you hydrated, and you will literally flush the pounds away.
2. Hot water and Lemon. Every morning and every evening I drink a cup and I love it! Much prefer the taste to Green Tea, and it has (almost) all of the benefits of drinking it.
3. Intervals. When I was talking to Brian today, he told me that instead of running, or walking at a constant pace on the treadmill, for weight loss, the most important thing is to vary your heart rate. This maximises weight loss. So for instance, try walking for two or three mins on the treadmill (or the road!), then run for one minute. Today I repeated this for 30 mins.
4. Eat something straight after the gym. Protein is the best post work-out snack. Try a handful of nuts (almonds are full of protein) straight after a work-out to keep your metabolism fueled and help replenish your muscles.
5. Walk whenever you can! Sounds obvious, but being the broke student that I am, I can't even afford the bus sometimes! Which I suppose helps me in the long run really, as it's an extra 30 mins walking each day.

Also, head over to my Facebook page: where you can enter into the draw for a copy of Ruth Field's 'Run, Fat Bitch! Run'.

Best of luck :)

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