Sunday 9 September 2012

The Big Shmoke

10A.M. on the 8th of September 2012; my life begins! As I pack every item of my teen-hood into 3 and a half suitcases. I'd be lying if I didn't say a tear or two were shed! From my photo frame of my boyfriend and I at the debs, to Mr.Snugglums, to over-sized jumpers and a Dalmatian one-sie! Exciting as it may be, none-the-less nostalgic! 

However I couldn't help but think: "why is there not a list of things I should bring?" How was I to know, at a mere 17 what and what not to pack? So although like me, us kids of 2012 had to figure it out for ourselves, have no fear class of 2013! 

 It's a given really. As my dad so informatively pointed out yesterday (just as I'd squashed the final suitcase shut) "Fiona, bring 5 jocks, 5 socks, and 5 shirts. Done. College isn't a fashion parade." He got a great chuckle when I turned around and replied sternly "Dad it's college. IT IS A FASHION PARADE" As much as you can argue that it's not, looking well is important, now more than ever. However, convincing yourself that you may wear every item you own in your first week is un-advisable. It's never going to happen. So be smart about it, really do just pack what you need, plus it's easier when carrying home for mammy to wash!

Maybe not essential for all courses, but as a journalism student it is important. In my opinion buy good, buy once!  

Although many places provide bed linen and towels, I much prefer having my own. (#touchofOCD)

Hair straightener, hair brush, hair dryer ect
 I say these things, however if you are sharing a room, like myself, maybe it would be best to wait until you move in and get to know your new roomie until you start bringing up GHD's and expensive hair care/make up products. For the minute only bring the bare minimum, once you get settled you can bring the rest as you need it.

Fluffy Jammies
Moving away from home for the first time is daunting enough, so weather you still have a blankie, teddy or just your favourite pair of super soft pj's then pack 'em in the bag.

Shampoo, conditioner, body wash/lotion/razors (can't be known as Hairy Mary, not for the first term anyway!) 
Again, don't go buying all new products and milking your parents before you go, chances are you already have most of it. Plus, these handouts are going to be needed later on in the year for food, buses etc, and will dry up!

As soon as you get settled, make sure you look into getting registered for a student card. These are SO handy and may save you lots of cash. From meal deals, to travel expenses (and maybe a sneaky trip to topshop), student cards are a must!

If you're moving to a city, check out 'leap cards' , they work like phone credit, but are used for travel, you only spend as much as you have on the card, and top up when you need. 

Whatever you do, join the student's union, they have ALL the tips on accommodation, parties, gigs and promotions, plus societies and clubs.

After that kids you're on your own! ☺ I met my loveliest roommate yesterday and I can tell we're going to get just fine. Plus, she brought the Malibu!

And here it is, my humble abode...