Monday 21 May 2012

Monday Blues... ☂

Ahh, as I approach the final week of my schooling life EVER, Mrs.Nostalgic decides to rear her ugly head! "on to bigger and better things they grand they said!!" 

So for me its "Bye Bye school, hello summer!" But not just any summer, THEE summer of a life time. And with the debs looming I'm going dress shopping this week! #exciteddd! :D So never fear, I will have pictures this week of some of the hottest debs dresses I've come across PLUS the best websites to buy them off! Stay tuned...


Saturday 19 May 2012

Who is Hamlet anyway?

So today, somewhere between plant reproduction and Hamlet's To Be or Not to Be spiel, I decided my bathroom needed some up-cycling! I LOVE my make up bag and really take pride in my cosmetics however I hate shoving them into a little bag and decided to let the world witness my collection! Well, at least those who are fortunate to take a wee in my bathroom!

Bare Minerals brushes, Bobbi Brown brushes, Urban Deccay Naked pallet, Nair (for the whiskers!) and Tweezers,courtesy of a Christmas cracker!

Thinking it may need some Jewels or something to jazz it up a little?  But I think it shows off my babies nicely! :) 

Would LOVE to know what you think!

Very First Post ✄

So here I am, 19 days before my Leaving Cert, the most important exam of my life, and it occurs to me...BLOGGING IS SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT! I'm not entirely sure what exact category MY blog falls into but there will be, no doubt, an abundance of Outfit Ideas, Shoes, Make Up Reviews (incl tan, nail varnish, eyelashes, etc. supermarket brands as well as those more luxurious!) ,and of course my new love Up-Cycling! I promise to do my best to cater for all shapes and sizes! :) I really hope you (if you're really there and I'm not just talking to myself) enjoy reading my blog, and I'd love to hear from you! 
Love Always,